Van vrijdag 13 december tot en met maandag 16 december leggen apotheekmedewerkers het werk neer. De meeste apotheken zijn gesloten. Apotheek De Brug is beperkt open, alleen het dienstluik is geopend. In heel Almere blijven in totaal zeven apotheken open voor spoed.
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Here you can find any important and practical information about your admission or visit to the hospital.
Appointment & Contact
Here you can find information about making, changing or cancelling an appointment. You can also find information about how to contact us.
Emergency Care
Here you can find information about Emergency Care. If there is a life-threatening situation, please call 112 immediately.
Practical Information
Here you can find practical information about costs and insurance, visiting, admission, interpretor services and assistance during your visit to the hospital.
About Flevoziekenhuis
Here you can find information about the Flevoziekenhuis.